Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sometime there's Joy and Sometimes there's Sadness!

In this single day I have seen so much emotion. I have one friend and family that are getting ready to launch in to a crazy great period of their lives. Their struggle has been very real over the 4 years that we have known them. We have seen them go through ups and very low downs. Now they are on the upswing and joy is abounding! 

Another friend is coming to the end of what appears to be a painful decision and lots of people are effected and hurt. I know that it isn't easy for any of them. 

Life is like that. One minute you can be laughing and carrying on and the next it crashed in to small pieces to small for you to pick up. 

However, it does seem to even out. Just when you think that it's not going to get better it does. The sun shines, your favorite meal is on the table, there's beverages in the fridge and your favorite ice cream in the freezer. If you are really lucky your pool is welcoming you to come and sit at the end of the day. There are friends and family to talk to and over time joy finds it's way back in. 

I am grateful for the hard times. They make the good times so much better.

Try to find Joy. This is my hope for you today.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

On Safari to Father Day

Tomorrow is FATHERS DAY! 
We are very excited around here. We are giving Steve a car he's always wanted. Now please do not think that's a common occurrence. In fact it probably won't happen again. It's just a great series of events. This car was my Dad's best friends, he passed it onto Caleb our middle son, and now it's being handed onto Steve. He has always wanted a car to work on and this one's already here.

I really love this man! He has been my partner in life for 27+ years. Almost 25 in marriage. I cannot even begin to tell you everything we've been through. He's faithful, hardworking and just plain funny.
(Shhh most people don't know that :)
Our kids are blessed to call him Dad. 

This isn't the car. Although I know he'd fall over! :)

Happy Fathers Day Steve . We love you!

The other man in my life is my sweet Dad. He's a retired Navy Captain among about 100 other talents. A girl could not be more blessed than me .....

He's in the middle in the back. Along with our part of our great family.


Monday, June 13, 2016

Mourning for Orlando MY CITY!!!

Orlando is mourning.

 Life is not the same today.
There are clothes in closet that will never be worn again, shoes that will never be walked in. Leftovers from a favorite restaurant that wont be eaten.
There are pets whose owners are never going to walk in the door and give them kisses.
There are Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Children,
and Partners that will live through their days with empty arms.

There is no room for judgement here!


God is mourning too.
His children have turned away and harmed others.
Just like we love our children HE loves them.  
I dont want to hear anything negative. 
I love you all! 
I am here if you need to talk, cry, yell, pitch a fit! 
Orlando is in mourning.
 So are we!

Friday, June 10, 2016

On Safari at Home

I am home for the next couple of days. We have a pool and a trampoline and bikes and more. This should keep us busy. 
Along with laundry, cooking, cleaning and taking care of 3 pupparoos. 


Lilly and Shadow

I LOVE to cook! LOVE LOVE LOVE! So today is Shrimp Gumbo.

Here's that recipe. 

I encourage you to try. Especially is you have a spouse or significant other that loves to eat. 
Our kids love it too. 

Have a wonderful Friday! 

Hugs, Jenn

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

On Safari to Home School Evaluation

Today we graduated Alice from 4th to 5th grade. It was a wonderful experience. Our evaluator is loving and kind and gentle with our idea of unschooling. Alice our daughter is very comfortable with her and was very proud of the work she had done this year.
Pottery, Robotics, and Piano highlighted her year. She is a very loving and kind child. 
She like to be alone and is very happy playing minecraft and roblox.
I am very proud of our young girl. I guess I can't say little any longer. 
I look forward to the next year. I look forward to seeing where it will take us. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

On Safari

This year has been a whirlwind. We moved for the 11th time in our marriage, we faced a lot of challenges with both school, business and our personal lives. I have been ok most of the time however, yesterday something in me cracked a little. I turned on worship music, cried and wondered why some things happen the way they do. 

I do not often blog about extremely personal things here but I feel the need to let you know I am just like everyone else and I struggle with the same things everyone else does. My faith, believing that life is fair, hoping for the very best for our children. I hope that the world is a good place over all. I don't always believe those things. I know God is in control. That propels me forward.

Summer vacation for us starts in 3 weeks. We are traveling with 3 out of our 5 family members. I wish we were all going, I wish we could all be together but we can't. There are things I life that we have to face and unfortunately that means my husband and oldest son stay behind to work.

Our family is my main priority. I have stayed at home all these years to home school, support and take care of all of them. I often get asked why? Why didn't I finish college, why don't I work, (I work my tail off here...:), I always answer the same way. 
I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

It is a privilege to be a wife and a mother. It is a privilege to cook, clean and take care of them. 


If you are an at home Mom/Dad and the world tries to tell you that's not ok do not listen. If you are a Mom/Dad that works and juggles it all you should be so proud of yourself. No one journey is right for everyone. We walk our own path. God's path for us.
The most important thing is that we support one another. No matter what choices we all make we must support one another. 

I'm On Safari. On Safari to where and what we will see. 

My husband says the Safari is the best part. So far he is right.