Monday, August 12, 2019


It's what we all want. To be accepted, to be wanted, to be loved. However, I realized something this last few days. The only people I need affirmation from are God, my family and those I hold close. Sometimes they do not agree with me either. That's OK. 
I attended a home school conference last week and I made some new friends, saw some old friends and mainly took care of myself. It was actually wonderful. 
I realize that I actually do not care what others think over all. Not in a snobby conceited way, I just do not need every one's approval to go forward homeschooling or living the way we do. As a home school mom I can tell you that I am not popular. We unschool. Yup unschool. What does that mean? It means what Alice wants to learn we teach. It's never conventional it's never what others think she needs. It's what she and her father and I agree upon. It's FREEDOM and it's legal. We are registered under an umbrella school and we report attendance. The rest is up to our discretion.
Why? You might ask. Well because Alice isn't conventional. Our journey has been challenging. Beginning with her eye site, and then her dyslexia. We have done what we have needed to project her forward and to help her succeed. We worked with a neurodevelopmentalist. She has completed 5 classes at our local Tech School , normally catering to college level, and she busted through the classes and ended up at college level. She did Robotics, Coding, Gaming, Photography and Minecraft. She was 10. Her teachers adored her. She is also very helpful to other students that have needed her. She became the teachers helper in the Minecraft class because she knew more than they did. :) We were very proud.
We also believe in living history and hands on science. 
What about Math, Writing History? That all goes hand in hand with these classes. She has an Instagram devoted to her animals and she is an excellent photographer. Her favorite channel on YouTube is all about ants. 
I am not worried about her. 
Others are worried though. I get advice even when I do not ask for it. It's quite nervy of people to assume they can say what ever they want to you. At least they do to me. 
So, here's my come back. Only because I just had to defend us yet again! 
There it's off my chest. I'm only going to say this once. If I want anyone else's opinion I will ask.
We are raising an amazing human. She is kind, considerate, funny, intelligent, and loving. She will be just fine. I spend most days grateful she is still here. I personally think we've been through enough. 
I hope that when she lays her head down at night she knows she is deeply loved and accepted. 
That is all that matters. 
It's the only affirmation I need!